(Gbodjomé-Togo) 11 novices from the two sister provinces of Afrique Occidentale Nord (AON) and Afrique Occidentale Sud (AOS) said yes to the Lord at their first profession at the Salesian novitiate in Gbodjomé. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Father Denis Soro (Provincial of AOS) and concelebrated by 26 Salesian priests, including Father Jesus Benoît Badji (Provincial of AON). The Provincial called on the novices to be «builders of authentic fraternal communities founded on Love», because the community is a «School of human and spiritual growth » where « each member brings his or her personal gifts and richness». A full life in community is the antidote to «individualism, says the provincial, which is the negation of dialogue and communication with others, but also with God».
The rite of profession included a dialogue with the superior, prayer over the novices, the profession of each novice, and the presentation of the Salesian Constitutions and medal. The newly professed, who have chosen Saint Artemide Zatti as their patron saint, come from 04 countries: 05 from Benin, 03 from Togo, 02 from Guinea Conakry and 01 from Burkina Faso. Our Province has 03 newly professed members and 08 from the AON Province.
This 16 August also marks Father Denis Soro’s 30th anniversary of profession. A wonderful coincidence on the anniversary of the birth of our founder, St John Bosco.
First profession of novices at Gbodjomé