Four main activities marked December Pastoral activities of Catholic Mission of Saints Peter and Paul Parish Tatale (N/R Ghana).
The first program was the feast of Oratory held on Thursday, 12th December. This program involved children of the Parish and of Tatale-town (Catholic and non-Catholic) of about 400 children. It was made-up of floating with musical instruments and sporting items from the Parish to the Tatale market, the drama to display the beginning of the Salesian mission, the games such as football kick, basketball throw, the sacs raise, the pushing of soap to climb a slippery surface etc. to display our oratory activities and so, to make known our Salesian way to carry out our mission of evangelization. The program ended successfully with the good evening talk by Father Joseph GYAMFI, the father in-charge of the Community.
The second activity was the cleaning-up of the whole Parish on 21st of December 2024 by the adolescents and the youth. This is to educate them on importance of making our place of worship, a welcoming place and to show dedication to the life of the Church.
The third activity was the celebration of the Christmas for the Children on Monday, 23rd December 2024. It brought together 313 children from both the main parish and its outstations.
The day began with the distribution of Christmas huts and an Opening Mass, presided by Rev. Father Joseph GYAMFI (Father In-charge). Father Christmas was welcomed at the ending part of the mass, featuring his special appearance and sharing of gifts to some committed children. After Mass, the children enjoyed tasty snacks and participated in a Bible recitation.
They were then divided into teams and engaged in various exciting games. Following these games, a delicious lunch was given to all, followed by some fun games. The celebration concluded with a lively choreography session, a heartfelt vote of thanks from one of the children (Duut Julliet), a good evening talk by Rev. Fr. Simon Yawo AMEKOULAPE (the Youth Director), and the distribution of gifts to all the children. The day left the children with joyful memories that they will cherish for years to come.
The fourth program is the memorable Youth Fiesta (First edition). Uniting Faith and Fun, a journey of Grace, this program sought to bring together young people for a weekend of worship, fun and socialization.
The program kicked off on the first day with a powerful worship night made up of exposition of the blessed sacrament, word ministration, moment of worship. It sought to bring the youth together to give thanks to God for the successful year 2024.
The second day was filled with games, team building exercises and socialization. Activities such as jogging through the principal streets, aerobics exercises, indoor games and socialization were carried out and they aimed at promoting a healthy bond among the youth and keeping fit for apostolate.
The thirst day of the program featured a Youth Cocktail Night complete with a talk on “Youth and Family life” by Rev. Father Simon Yawo AMEKOULAPE, good music, fun moments, dance, refreshment, and many others providing a relaxed atmosphere for over 70 participants to unwind and celebrate.

Tatale – Pastoral activities in Saints Peter and Paul Parish